Personal hygiene is promoted to ensure that clients are provided with the best personal care services.

It is scientifically proven with historical facts that hygiene is closely linked to good health and God forbid, the spread of diseases. Amongst our world-class personal care services, we make sure we assist our clients to observe good hygiene, so they always feel their best.

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personal care services

Our Services

Within our services of personal care services, we make sure to assist our clients with the following


Our caregivers are instructed to provide our clients with a relaxing and safe bathing experience which includes washing, drying, light massages, and sponge baths, or just by simply being present if there is a safety concern.

Oral and Denture Care

Oral health is also one of our keen focuses, personal care services at the refugee home health care include assisting them with brushing, flossing, and routine denture care.

Hair Care

We make sure to take good care of our client’s hair by helping them condition and shampooing it in showers or sinks, drying it, and styling it as well.

Toilet Assistance

A core part of personal care for seniors is helping them maintain proper toilet hygiene with which we are completely hands-on in helping them on and off the toilet as well as making proper bathroom schedules while also providing catheter and ostomy care.


Some of our clients need to be gently reminded to shave, however, some do need our assistance and we are glad to be of service.

Dressing Assistance

It is our goal to ensure our clients look sharp and are always dressed for the occasion. We ensure they wear clean, ironed clothes whether they are going out for a leisurely walk or going to bed.

Transfer from wheelchair

Our clients are assisted with their movements, and we use assistive equipment such as Gait belts, Pivot transfers, Hoyer, or sit-to-stand assistance. We always make sure we are within arms reach to give them support to sit, stand, and move. Our constant presence ensures we are one of the best personal care services in London Ontario.

Meal preparation and planning

We plan, shop, prepare, and serve our meals while also keeping track of our clients’ fluid and food consumption. Our food is prepared to the liking of our clients, and it is one of the elite personal care services that we provide.

Feeding assistance:

Another personal care service that we provide is that we assist our clients with water which helps us keep track of their food intake as well as ensuring they eat well.