Best skilled services for senior citizens

At a senior age, everyone deserves rest to the ultimate degree with their health monitored and checked properly and their diet well planned and provided alongside their needs taken care of. We at The Refugee Home Health Care aim to provide the most skilled service in London Ontario by creating the best facilities for senior citizens and providing the most skilled services for seniors. This culmination of symphonies of skilled services brings together a symphony of comfort and ease, both for the clients and their loved ones.

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Our Services

Within our services of skilled services, we make sure to assist our clients with the following

Top-notch medical service

Our highly skilled RNs, CNAs, LPNs, and MDs are nothing short of the best who work tirelessly day in and day out for the ease and according to the needs of our clients making our organization one of the most skilled services in London Ontario. We help our clients with their medications and give them gentle reminders daily to ensure they keep up with their medicine intake according to their prescriptions. Medical emergencies and proper healthcare services are overseen by our highly qualified nurses who work under stressful and emergencies with ease.

Therapeutic exercises

We offer highly skilled services in London Ontario, which is exemplified by our talented and determined therapeutic staff which include physiotherapists, speech therapists, and occupational therapists. These different fields come together to help our clients in all walks of life, ranging from simply walking, sitting, standing, or balancing to making sure they are assisted with communicating, effectively increasing their independence and safety while disallowing possible negative setbacks that could threaten our client’s comfort.

Nutritionists and dieticians

Our skilled services for seniors stretch out to their diets as well. We make sure our seniors are fed the best possible meals which are shopped, cooked, served, and if needed fed by our capable staff who also track the consumption of food and fluids as well. Meals are planned according to the needs of clients and have been uniquely prepared for each client’s medical demands, all the while making sure the food is not devoid of taste.

Activity coordinators and recreation therapists

An integral part of our skilled services in London Ontario is making sure they are not exposed to boredom and mundane repetitive days; hence our activity coordinators and recreation therapists join forces to orchestrate activities that benefit our seniors’ psyche and help them relax.

Our focus on ADLs

We thoroughly understand that our seniors have difficulties in activities that may be common, hence we always stand by to help and support them in their times of need. This includes services such as washing, cleaning, and dusting, and our care stretches to personal hygiene such as brushing, bathing, and using the toilet. We assist our seniors with mobility issues with practical exercises that help them with their everyday activities so they can rely further on themselves and become more self-sufficient. It is service at this level that makes The Refugee Home Health Care the most skilled service in London Ontario.